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  • To advance the reading skills of students who qualify for dyslexia services and provide appropriate training/resources to administrators, teachers, and parents of these students.
  • To foster a culture that stresses the importance of strong parent partnerships and participation in the process so as to maximize the resources available to meet the needs of all dyslexic students.

RESOURCES - Updated for 2024

Dyslexia and Related Disorders: Information for Parents

Texas Dyslexia Handbook - English

Texas Dyslexia Handbook - Spanish

UPDATE: From Texas Education Agency (TEA) website

Please note: House Bill 3928 was passed by the 88th Texas Legislature (Regular Session) and impact dyslexia evaluation, identification, and instruction. While the agency works to update the necessary materials, be aware that the law is effective immediately. The State Board of Education's proposed timeline for its required changes will be communicated as the timeline is determined and communicated to the agency.

The agency has created resources to assist with the implementation of HB 3928: